4 Steps to Take When Moving Cross-Country

4 Steps to Take When Moving Cross-Country

4 Steps to Take When Moving Cross-CountryThere is no way around it ? moving cross-country is an intimidating proposition. Picking up your entire life to move it from one location to another is always a challenge, and that challenge grows even greater when you are traveling a great distance between your old home and your new home.

If you are facing an upcoming cross-country move, you have probably spent your share of sleepless nights worried about how you are going to bring it all together successfully.

To help you overcome this challenge, we have listed four helpful tips below. Hopefully, with the assistance of these tips, you can get through moving cross-country?without any trouble.

1. Streamline Your Possessions

One of the keys to a great cross-country move actually takes place before moving day even arrives. In advance of your move, work on decluttering?possessions that you don?t want to take with you to your new home. Look carefully through all of the stuff you have in your home to determine what you want to keep and what can go. You might be surprised to find just how much stuff you don?t really want anymore. Remember, your move is only going to get easier ? and more affordable ? and you reduce your total number of possessions.

2. Contact a Mover Right Away

When moving a long distance, you are almost certainly going to need the help of a professional mover. You can?t ask your friends and family to load up their trucks and drive 2,000-miles to drop off stuff, so you will need a moving team on your side.

To make sure they aren?t booked up during your intended moving date, schedule your move as soon as possible. Having a quality moving team on your side is one of the best things you can do in this process. The money you spend on good movers will be well worth it.

3. Get Your Housing Arrangements in Order

Are you under a lease in your current home? If so, what are the terms for breaking the lease, or when does the lease end? You need to be brushed up on these details in order to time your move just right. You could wind up spending a lot of money to break a lease. So, try to avoid this outcome if at all possible. Also, if you are moving for a new job, ask your new employer about any relocation benefits which may be offered.

4. Label, Label, Label

You might think that you will remember what is in each of those boxes you put onto the truck, but your memory won?t be so sharp after a long trip. To make the unpacking process as easy as possible, be diligent about labeling all of your boxes as they are loaded. This might seem like a simple step but it can make a big difference when the move is complete.

Moving is never easy, especially when you are moving cross-country. But these tips can help you make the most of your move and help you avoid stress as much as possible.


Have you ever moved cross-country? Do you have any other tips?


Photo courtesy of: Pexels

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One comment

  1. I love #1. Moving time is a great opportunity to get rid of stuff you don’t use anymore. I have a relative that just moved and didn’t sell a single thing. They moved boxes of things that they haven’t touched in years. Big missed opportunity there.

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