3 Ways to Make Money Management Fun

3 Ways to Make Money Management Fun

3 Ways to Make Money Management FunNo matter how much money you make, have, invest or save, one thing is always true, you must establish proper money management habits and practices.

After all, you could have all the money in the world and blow it due to lack of wise management. That being said, figuring out how to organize your finances on your own isn’t always an easy or invigorating task.

Like most, finances probably isn’t your passion or area of expertise, which no doubt causes you to dread any amount of time you have to dedicate to the subject. Managing your finances might be something you have to do, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun.

Here are three ways to make money management fun.?

1. Utilize Apps

More likely than not, you use your phone for just about everything, especially since developers have created an app for a wide array of categories. Well, finances are no different.

There’s a number of apps available that can not only help you manage your finances but can help you do so in a way that’s actually fun. Apps like Digit cleverly find ways to transfer a little here and there to help you save.

Others like Toshl are fun, monster-filled app and site that can help you with your budget and bills. There’s no shortage of programs to help you keep your finances in check without making it feel like work.?

2. Make It a Game

Anytime you have a task that’s less than entertaining, it always helps to turn it into a game or competition. Ergo, turning your finances into a game can be a great way to make money management fun.

Have a competition with family or friends to see who can save the most or stick to their budget. Or, see who can go the longest without spending money on some wants like takeout or a new top. Or, use an app like Prosper Daily to compete against your last month’s budget.

However, you choose to do so, find creative ways to make your finances seem like a game you want to win.?

3. Get Creative

Create colorful boards and charts to represent your goals or financial needs and habits. By infusing a little creativity and color into the items you need to keep track of, you’ll be more prone to actually work on them and keep your finances organized.

It may sound simple, but you’d be surprised what a little color can do. Moreover, find different ways help yourself work towards your goals, like creating a Pinterest board that represents what you’re saving towards. Or reward yourself with a little something special when you reach a milestone.

By doing so, you’ll want to manage your money and keep working towards your goal because you’ll get excited about the reward that awaits.

For most of us, money isn’t the most riveting of topics. Of course, whether it’s our favorite subject or not, it’s important to keep track of and properly manage your finances. Still, organizing your financial life doesn’t have to be as drab as you’d imagine. Get a little creative, make it fun, and you just might look forward to the time you spend doing so.?

How do you make money management fun? What are little rewards that you’ve found keep you working towards your goal?


Photo courtesy of: Kyle Sterk

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