5 Simple Ways to Live Cheaper in a Big City

5 Ways to Live Cheaper in a Big City

5 Ways to Live Cheaper in a Big CityBig city living can be great. Depending on what career path you chose, there?s a city for that career. Think tech in Silicon Valley, movie stars in Los Angeles and business in New York City.

But, big city living also means higher living expenses. Granted salaries are usually increased to match the inflated costs of large metropolises so you can afford to live there. But, even so, it can be a stretch on your take home pay to live in these areas.

So, how do you make it in the big city? Here are some ways you can live cheaper in a big city.

Ditch the Car

Depending on the city, you most likely won?t need a car.

Places like Chicago or New York City have great public transit. By not having a car you are saving on things like oil changes, car insurance?and parking lot and garage premiums.

The rise of Uber has also made it easier to grab a cab and get around. Walking to and from everywhere saves you money while giving you a daily workout. Some cities are pretty walkable, or?if you do need to go further than you want to walk, a short metro ride can get you in the general direction.

Get a Roommate

To save on rent, get a roommate, or several depending on the situation.

When rent is more than half your salary, roommates are a great way to save money. Not only is rent cheaper, but you can save on groceries and utilities by sharing costs. Your roommates can also become your new friends and support system, especially if you don?t know anyone yet.

Drink at Home

With so many options for dining and drinks, it?s hard to say just one drink or only eat out only once a week. By starting the party at home, or eating a light meal before, you can save on meals and drinks by not needing to eat or drink as much while you are out.

If you enjoy going out, or are expected to be out often for your job, this can save you a lot of money over time.

Find a Rent Controlled Apartment

In order to help with living expenses, some neighborhoods and cities have rent controlled properties. This means their rent doesn?t rise and stays constant. You might need roommates, but it is a cheaper option should you come across it.

Go Farther Out

Location is important to the value of anything. This comes true to when looking for a place to work. Depending of your company?s location, it could be super busy and bustling and also expensive to live near your job. If you can still get to where you want, it?s worth your time to look at renting further out. The farther you are from the downtown, the cheaper (usually) everything is.

Living cheaper in the city isn?t easy, but you can do it.

If you do see that a large metropolis and your salary don?t mix but you still want the city life, look at a smaller large city like Kansas City or Des Moines. The further from the coasts you get the less expensive cost of living is.


What do you do to cut costs in the city? How else do you save money?


Photo courtesy of: Free-Photos

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