5 Ways to Save on Your Summer Bills

5 Ways to Save on Your Summer Bills

5 Ways to Save on Your Summer BillsSummer can quickly become one of the more expensive times of the year. Between pool passes, vacations, grilling out, fireworks and more, your wallet can get a bit crunched.

Not to mention that your bills can go up as well. Air conditioning, watering the lawn/garden, new construction, whatever, start to add up as well. Here are some ways you can?lower your summer bills.

Get an Energy Audit

An energy audit?is especially important for home owners. If you rent your place, you can talk to your landlord about getting this done. An energy audit is when your energy company comes in to access how efficient your appliances are and where there is drafting.

Drafting allows heat and cool air to escape throughout the year. Knowing this can save you money once those problem areas are addressed. Also, there are energy rebates that can be applied to help pay for the energy fixes you might have to do.

Buy a New Thermostat

Let’s get real. Your house doesn?t need to be 65 degrees all the time. Instead, try using a [easyazon_link keywords=”programable thermostat” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”wisedollar-20″]programable thermostat[/easyazon_link]. It can help you set what temperature your house is at. If you are away from your home all day, you can set you?re air conditioner high during the day and then have it turn down an hour before you get home, so the place is cool.

Some air conditioning systems allow you to control the individual rooms in your house so if you don?t use half of your house regularly you can keep those rooms at a higher temp and not use as much energy.

Get a Rain Barrel

If you are a big gardener whether with flowers or vegetables, you?ll use a lot of water this summer. This can push your water bill over the edge. By getting a rain barrel you can save some money by watering from the barrel and not the city water. Also, there are some energy rebates?you may be able to use to help cover a portion of the cost of a rain barrel.

Use a Pool Cover

Summer means swimming and if you have a swimming pool in your back yard you are one of the cool kids! A lot of water is used for a pool or hot tub. Filing them, or even just topping them off, will add to your water bill like crazy.

It’s estimated that households that don?t use a pool cover use over 1,000 extra gallons a month. You add up that cost. It’s obvious that a pool cover can save you money.

Grow Your Own Veggies

When you go to the grocery store, what are the two most expensive things? Meat and fresh produce. But, if you grow your own, produce is?basically free. Of course, it does cost a fair amount for soil, seeds, plants, water and fertilizer. But, in the long-term, running outside to pick your own tomatoes for guac will save you money.

Summer is supposed to be a time for fun, not a time for worrying over how you are going to pay the increases in your bills. Even by holding out on turning on the air conditioner, can save you money. People lived for thousands of years without one. With some determination and smart planning, you can keep from overspending on your summer bills.


What are some ways you save during the summer? Have you done any of these things to lower your summer bills?


Photo courtesy of: RitaE

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