5 Things That Can Cost You If You Forget Them When You Move

when you move

5 Things That Can Cost You If You Forget Them When You MoveIt?s moving day!

Maybe you sold your house, told your parents you are moving out or maybe you’re starting your first “real job” and are preparing to buy a house and live on your own for the first time. No matter the scenario, you are moving on to the next chapter of your life.

Moving can be messy. It can also be emotionally stressful. Whatever the reason for moving; there are a ton of things that need to happen before you do.

The to-do list for moving is long. But what happens if you?ve made your moving list, checked it twice and you get to your new location and you realize your forgot something?

It’s easy to forget things or overlook them when dealing with the stressors of moving. But it’s something you want to minimize if at all possible because forgetting things is expensive!

If you want to avoid costing yourself money by forgetting things when you move, here are some items you should definitely remember to bring.

Important Documents

If you have your passport, medical records, etc., in a lock box in your basement and you forget it, it will cost you to get all new copies if you can?t physically go back and pick them up. Notarized birth certificates and wedding licenses cost per copy plus postage and a notary fee to have new ones created. Be sure to grab copies of your medical records, veterinary records plus your children?s school records before you move.

Kitchen Supplies and Utensils

We all have that one drawer or cupboard we don?t use very much. If you forget to check every nook and cranny in your kitchen, you are bound to leave some infrequently used?appliance or serving dish behind. You may not use that piece much, but when you need it and see it missing you?ll miss it all the more. Appliances are not cheap to replace, and neither is that fancy stoneware serving tray.


Clothes easily hide from you even when you aren?t moving. Do you know where that left sock is?

There are jackets and socks that mysteriously get left behind in moves. Replacing a coat in the off season can cost you hundreds of dollars and getting new socks can cost you too.

It may not be that much to replace some underwear, socks and a shirt or two, but that all adds up. Before you know it, you?re blowing your clothing budget on all the pieces you accidentally left behind. Check all the closets and rooms, and the washer and dryer if you are leaving the appliances behind to make sure you have it all before you move.

Home D?cor

This one seems like a trick. You?d notice if you had stuff hanging on the walls right? What about those drapes, curtains or blinds on the windows? You loving sought and bought those, so they should go with you right? Unless you have it worked out with the new buyer or they were there when you rented the place, take them with you. Your taste may change in the new place, but then you can resell them or donate them. Window treatments are expensive. Why spend more to replace them when you don?t need to? Moving is expensive enough without having these added expenses.


Did you check the garden shed? Things like trowels, rakes, hoes, shears, etc. are small and can be easily overlooked. The new owner or tenant may thank you, but your new place won?t as you look toward reinvesting money into new yard tools or equipment. Replacing a cordless drill is way more expensive than taking one last look around the house and the shed or garage to make sure you’ve remembered everything.

There are many more things that might be lost or forgotten. This is why it’s important to make lists and double check everything and everyplace when you move. It?s inevitable something will be misplaced or forgotten, but you can make sure it?s a cheap plastic cup and not your grandmother?s tea set. Moving is already expensive, don?t make it harder on yourself because you didn?t look to make sure nothing was forgotten.


Have you ever forgotten anything when you move? How do you avoid forgetting things when you move?


Photo courtesy of: Phil Scoville

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One comment

  1. I get a list of the things I need not to forget. Documents are the most important things so I always keep it in secured place and placed it inside a zipper bag.

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