4 Family Friendly Frugal Spring Break Ideas

4 Family Friendly Frugal Spring Break Ideas

4 Family Friendly Frugal Spring Break IdeasSpring break is one of the most-popular times of the year to take a vacation, as the kids are out of school and parents are looking forward to getting out of the office for a week.

However, while spring break trips are fun for the whole family, they are also rather expensive. Since this is a popular time to travel, good deals can be hard to find ? especially if you are thinking about heading somewhere with warm weather.

So do you need to just stay home to save money? Not necessarily. If you are willing to do some homework while being a bit flexible with your plan, you should still be able to take a trip without busting through the top of your budget.

Shorten the Trip

Spring break is usually a full week in length, but that doesn?t mean you have to take a trip that lasts the entire week. Consider shortening up your vacation to cut costs off of the trip while still giving the family a chance to have some fun. For instance, taking two nights off of the end of the trip could save you a few hundred dollars, and it will allow you to spend some time relaxing at home before getting back to the ?grind?.

Go Somewhere Different

It is common for families to head to warm climates during spring break, but you can save big money if you go in the opposite direction. Consider taking a trip to a tourist spot that isn?t quite yet ?in season?, as you can save money on lodging and activities when you go during off-peak times. Unless you have your mind set on a week of sun bathing on the beach, you should be able to have plenty of fun without heading south alongside everyone else.

Stay Close to Home

The cost of your trip is going to immediately skyrocket as soon as you book a flight to a faraway destination. The two biggest expenses for most vacations come in the form of airfare and lodging ? so you can cut the cost of your trip nearly in half when you drive instead of fly. There are probably plenty of great destinations within a few hours? drive of your home, so take a look at the map and work on picking out just the right local spot for a fun week.

The Staycation

The staycation?is an idea which has gained in popularity during recent years, and it is easy to see why. By staying at home, you don?t have to pay for either airfare or lodging, meaning your expenses for the week will be rather minimal. However, you are still going to treat this like a vacation, picking a number of local activities to enjoy with your family.

Also, try to eat most of your meals out during the week, just as you would when on a true vacation. This might not be quite the same as actually getting out of town, but it can fill the void of a spring break trip without doing so much harm to your budget.


Do you plan to take a spring break trip with your family this year? How will you save on the cost of your spring break trip?


Photo courtesy of: kaboompics

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One comment

  1. Another tip on the staycation idea – stay offline. Most of us have a strong tendency to check email, social media, or whatever when we’re in our “normal groove” at home. It’s a good idea to look for ways to disrupt that groove so it feels more like a vacation than just another day at home.

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