What are US Families Giving Up to Pay for Healthcare?

What are US Families Giving Up to Pay for Healthcare?

What are US Families Giving Up to Pay for Healthcare?There is much concern among all US citizens over the rising costs of healthcare. You hear about it from many sources including other people, your medical?facilities, and the media just to name a few.

But while we are all facing this healthcare crisis together, how are we coping? What are US families giving up to pay for their health?

Here are a few sacrifices people are making to pay for healthcare.

Going Out for Meals

With the rising costs of healthcare families are facing, many people are forced to cut back in other areas. The facts are that a budget can only stretch so far. The money needed to pay for increasingly more expensive medications, doctor visits, and hospital stays must be found. According to research by Coupon Dash, the way American?s are cutting back the most is by reducing the number of meals they eat out.

Career Opportunities

Some American workers have had to change careers in order to provide medical care?for their families. As healthcare costs have risen, more employers are cutting back on the healthcare benefits they offer their employees. Additionally, many employers have eliminated offering healthcare coverage as a benefit altogether.

These changes have increased the already heavy burden of healthcare costs for the average American. Some people have had to change jobs in order to get healthcare coverage. Even then, coverage is usually costly. Others have decided against self-employment in order to take up a position with a company that provides a healthcare benefit.


Unfortunately, money is not infinite. As healthcare costs have risen, wages for most people have not kept up. As a result, another area taking a hit from the rising costs of medical care is education.

Many of our states budgets have slashed their education funding to the bone. College tuition costs have increased, possibly to make up for the budget shortfalls. Plus, public schools are cutting beneficial programs they can no longer afford to offer. At the same time, costs for state funded Medicaid programs have risen substantially as more Americans can no longer afford medical care?on their own.

New Technology

Some of the luxuries people have been able to afford in the past are begin eliminated or purchased less frequently as a result of rising medical?costs. New computers, expensive smart phones, tablets, and other technological items are being given up as budgets tighten.

For some, cutting back on newer technology affects their jobs. For example if you use your home computer for work, not being able to upgrade it could cost you money in lost wages.

Time with Family

As medical care?costs increase, more Americans take on side hustles or second jobs to increase their income. This means another area of sacrifice is loss of time spent with family.

It appears that people are sacrificing in a variety of areas in order to pay for the increasing costs of healthcare. Plus, it doesn’t seem that medical costs will be decreasing anytime soon.



What are you willing to sacrifice to pay for healthcare for your family?


Photo courtesy of: DarkoStojanovic

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