StepBet App Review: Get Paid to Walk


One of the world’s most successful investors and business tycoon Warren Buffett once said: “When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.” I don’t know exactly how “ignorance” would help you achieve your goals but I am pretty sure having “leverage” can. Sometimes life puts us in situations where we are forced to use our “misfortune” or “negative circumstance” as leverage. Whereas in certain situations you have to intentionally keep some leverage.?


About the creator of StepBet

StepBet is an app that pays you to achieve your fitness goals. The app works on the concept of “leverage” discussed in the previous section. This app is created by a gaming/health/technology company called WayBetter. WayBetter is East Coast New York-based company founded by Jamie Rosen in 2011.

How does the StepBet App work?

Before we move further with installation and the inner workings of this app, I would like to inform you that StepBet–as the name suggests–is a betting app. You can lose money if you fail to achieve the set goal. But the good news is, you have total control over goal setting.?

To get started, install the app on your phone from the relevant online marketplace. Once you tap-open the app for the very first time, it will ask you to choose a device (from the list) to help them track your steps. You can choose anything from Fitbit, Garmin, or Apple Watch.

Next, it will give you a weekly step goal which you need to achieve every week for the next six weeks. Once you join the game, every step you take will be counted. Also, they reward you based on the pot system. You will get back the money you invested plus some extra cash (from losers pockets).

What I like about StepBet App

I like the entire concept of the StepBet App. In today’s world, where everyone is chasing comfort, it is extremely difficult to sacrifice the things that may be momentarily fun and exciting (like watching TV for hours, consuming fast food, gossiping with friends, etc) but harmful in the long run. StepBet forces you to break those habits and instil the ones that make you healthy.

What I don’t like about StepBet App

I don’t see any major downsides to this app but one thing that bugs me that I am required to connect my activity tracker with the app within 24 hours of the week ending. Failing to do so will result in an automatic disqualification. In short, I will lose all my money and will have to start the whole process again (by adding more money). I wish the developers of this app made some improvements in the process of synchronization of the app with an activity tracker.  

My recommendation

I recommend StepBet app anyone who is struggling to lose weight. If despite trying everything–joining a gym, dieting, taking nutritional supplements–you are not able to stay fit, you might need to take a different less-traveled route.


StepBet is free of cost app for your smartphone. There is no pro version of this app. Click here to download StepBet for your phone.

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One comment

  1. shafi madad says:

    interesting post admin and also a good app

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