3 Staycation Ideas That Don?t Suck


6281069731_e60b068ebb_zIn recent years, the idea of a ?staycation? is one that has gained more and more popularity. The concept is simple ? instead of taking time off work and heading out of town for a few days, you take that time off and then stay home while doing fun things near where you live.

This allows you to save money on travel while still getting a nice break from the daily grind. However, many staycations end up being spent sitting at home. To avoid that outcome and make sure you have a great staycation worth remembering, consider using one of the three ideas below.

Hit the Biggest Tourist Spots

No matter where you live, there is likely some form of tourist activity nearby. Whether it is an amusement park, a State or National Park, a museum, or something else altogether, you shouldn?t have to look too hard to find the spots near you that cater to those from out of town. We like to use Priceline?as it allows you to find hotels based on location, cost or geographic area so we can find something that best fits our budget and driving distance we want.

Ironically, these are probably things that you have taken for granted and never done simply because they are so close to your home. When you take a staycation, use the time to visit some of these popular tourist spots – you might find that they are far more interesting and exciting than you once thought.

Take a One-Night Road Trip

Depending on your definition of a staycation, you could plan yours to include one night on the road at a hotel. That one night shouldn?t cost too much, but it can make many more options possible for your activities.

For example, you could get in the car early one morning and drive as far as a few hours away. Once at the destination, you should still have half a day left to see the sights and maybe enjoy a nice meal. After staying the night, you can spend the first half of the next day seeing a few more sights before heading home. Think of this approach as a regular vacation that has been sped up ? it will allow you to see something near home that you don?t usually see, while not spending too much money in the process.

Enjoy Some Nightlife During Your Staycation

One thing that many people fail to do when they live near a big city is enjoy the shows and other performances that are offered on a regular basis. Almost every large city, and plenty of smaller ones, have a live theater or two that offers performances throughout the year.

Check the calendar for these kinds of shows during the time of your staycation and see if anything catches your interest. It might be hard to take in this kind of nightlife during a normal work week when you have to get up early for work the next day. Plus, a frugal night out might be just what the doctor ordered.

These?are just three ideas for your upcoming staycation that can help you make the most of your time away from work. Be creative and think about everything that is available to do near where you live before settling on a final itinerary for your staycation.


What are some things like you to do on a staycation??Do you think staycations can help you save money while still being fun?



Photo courtesy of: Broadway Tour

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  1. Me and my daughter loves to watch movies, we used to watch 3 movies and after that we played some board games. Also, going to the park or zoo would be an awesome thing to do too.

  2. Staycations are a great way to bring family time back. I believe that a lot of us have falling in the trap of believing we have to go out and spend loads of fun for someone to entertain us. Lies…all….Lies. You can have loads of fun with your family right in the backyard and create lasting memories.

    • John Schmoll says:

      I could not agree more Petrish! I find it’s the simple things that create the most fun AND memories – and many of those things cost little to nothing to have.

  3. I guess we perverted the staycation for an anniversary two years ago. We compromised by staying in town but renting a hotel for two nights. We got a place on the light rail, so we could go out to Tempe to enjoy nightlife without worrying about a designated driver.

  4. This summer I have a staycation planned and I am so excited. I normally go away for the last Thursday and Friday in July for a long weekend, but this year I have decided to stay home and play tourist! There are some events going on that weekend so I have to figure out my budget but I don’t think going out will break the bank.

  5. Kristi says:

    We are going to compromise on a staycation vacation this year by driving two hours to my parents house and enjoying the tourist destinations within an hour of their house.

  6. Why would I visit other cities if ours have good nightlife. Right? Just two nights ago, I watched a live band and met lots of people from other cities, which made me think that our city has indeed better performers. Staycation it is!

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