4 Cheap Ways to Stage Your Home While Still Living There

stage your home

stage your homePreparing to sell your home can often be a stressful time. More often than not, you’re either moving to a new city or neighborhood and will no doubt be transitioning homes. So, you’d probably like to sell your home as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the market has a tendency to be fickle, and you could end up being in your home longer than anticipated. Although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, trying to live in your home and sell it all at the same time is not only difficult, but taxing on all who live there.

So, how do you keep your home pristine and in selling condition while residing there yourself? Try these four ways to stage your home without spending much money.

1. Reduce Your Personal Items

When potential buyers peruse your home, they’re usually trying to picture themselves living in it. While personal items are obviously homey to you, they can ruin the picture in a buyer’s mind and make them feel more like a guest.

To truly entice prospects do your best to limit or put away your personal photos and items before showing your home.

2. Declutter

It’s easy to throw items on the bed or accumulate knick knacks throughout the house. Unfortunately, those items have a tendency to collect and, before you know it, your house simply looks cluttered.

Even though you likely have no problem living with a little clutter, clutter draws the eye and distracts a potential buyer for seeing your home for what it really is. Keep everything in its place and get rid of anything you absolutely don’t need.

3. Keep It Clean & Odor-free

This might seem obvious, but no one wants a dirty or stinky home. Before showing your home, give every room a good clean from top to bottom.

It’s difficult to maintain when you’re still living there, but a clean home will sell much faster than a dirty one.

We also tend to become accustomed to certain smells and odors, but what might be pleasant to you, might bother someone else. Thoroughly cleaning your home will help eliminate those odors as well.

4. Make It Pop

One of the best things you can do when showing your home is to add small touches here and there that make it pop. Whether you leave fresh-baked cookies, light great smelling candles, adding fresh-cut flowers, or adding pops of color, you can help give your home the perfect balance of lived-in and cozy without all the personal memorabilia.

It doesn’t cost or take a lot of effort to give your home a special touch that’s sure to entice buyers.

Selling your home isn’t always an easy process, and if you still live in said home, keeping it show-ready can feel like a long and exhausting task. That being said, you don’t have to go crazy and move all of your things out or spend a ton to stage it well.

By following a few inexpensive and easy home-staging tips, you can have your house sold before you know it.


How have you dealt with showing your home while still living in it? What are some habits you’ve formed to keep it clean during the day to day?


Photo courtesy of: LUM3N

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