How to Treat Skin Blemishes on a Budget

Skin blemishes

Skin blemishesSpend just a few minutes flipping through the latest fashion magazine and you will see countless advertisements touting cosmetics products that will help eliminate skin blemishes. Unfortunately, these creams, lotions, and ointments are usually very expensive. In addition to the prohibitive cost of most of these products, some of them do not even treat skin issues very effectively.

Skin blemishes can appear without a warning. They are dark spots or discoloration of the skin. Often times, they are caused by skin condition like acne or factors like hormonal imbalance, too much sun exposure, unhealthy lifestyle and of course, aging.

Thankfully, though, there a number of different ways to fight blemishes without having to bust your budget. The following list details several treatment options for those wanting to improve the look of their skin while also keeping more money in their pocket.


Prevent Blemishes with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

The cheapest and most comprehensive way to eliminate blemishes and clear up your skin is to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. There is ample evidence that suggests eating an organic diet and exercising regularly are one of the best preventative measures against the development of blemishes.

This would mean you have to eat right, exercise regularly, eliminate sugar-filled drinks, stop smoking and avoid too much alcohol. Once you start making changes and opting for a healthier lifestyle, you should hopefully see gradual improvement in both the look and texture of your skin.

Other causes of blemishes include stress, hormonal changes, or using different types of make-up. Although we cannot totally eliminate stress or prevent hormonal changes from happening, learning how to meditate and appreciating the beauty of life can help our mind and body relax. Living a healthy lifestyle will help balance out hormonal activity. Similarly, getting 8 hours of sleep each night reduces stress, which will keep the blemishes away.

Other Cheap Ways to Cure Blemishes

For those who are already suffering with embarrassing blemishes, the best thing to do is avoid the temptation of picking at the mark or pimple. Picking at a blemish causes skin damage, and might even cause scarring. Instead, experts recommend that you apply a mixture of sulphur and salicylic acid to the pimple. This cheap treatment option will eliminate the blemish without leaving a long-term scar.

There are also all-natural ways to treat skin blemishes, too.

Some people use apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment. Apple cider vinegar contains skin-scrubbing acidic properties that quickly reduce the size of pesky pimples. Apple cider vinegar also works well for ladies wanting to clean dirt out of their pores. Others use honey, lemon, mint leaf, or garlic.


Final Note


It is everyone?s desire to look young and beautiful. The good news is treating blemishes to achieve the beautiful skin you desire is possible. However, you don?t have to spend a fortune just so you can have a younger looking skin. What is important is to know what method or product works well with your type of skin.



Photo courtesy of: Alexandra Zakharova

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