Product Report Card Review- Get Paid to Share Your Opinions

product report card

If you already have experienced the magic of survey sites, you should look into another amazing survey site called Product Report Card. As the name suggests, the site is based on the opinions and feedback of product users.

However, unlike other sites like InboxDollars, YouGov or SurveyClub, this platform is a bit complex and hence intended for advanced surveyors only. A newbie can explore Product Report Card without anything to lose, but it?s always better to be prepared for what?s about to come.

About the Creator of Product Report Card

Product Report Card is a Texas-based fintech firm founded in the year 2001. This survey site is run and maintained by Softlayer technologies–the father company. Zac McGrath, an entrepreneur, and tech enthusiast founded this company to help major organizations like Gillette and Ikea understand their customer well. This is a market research company that pays you for your opinions, reviews, and feedback on a variety of products.

How Does the Product Report Card Work?


To begin your money-making journey with Product Report Card, you simply have to sign-up for free completing a series of questionnaires. This is the most tedious and boring part of Product Report Card. Looking at the length of the forms, most people give up thinking this is just a scam website that need personal information.

The questionnaires are called Profiles. There is a separate profile for each facet of your life like household, employment, mobile phone, health, the products you use, etc. None of the above profile will ever ask your bank details. Still, if you find comfortable providing the general details of your life, go ahead and sign-up. Or else, kindly look for another survey site.

What I Like About Product Report Card

I like the fact that Product Report Card is not just a survey site. There is more than one way to earn money. If you fit the criteria, Product Report Card can also offer you an opportunity to do product review–they send free product for you to use and review. Furthermore, you can also participate in studies done by nation?s biggest labs and research centers.

What I Don’t Like About Product Report Card

The process of creating a profile is quite lengthy. There are a total of ten forms you need to fill up before moving ahead with the survey. Although, once you get through this phase, things get easier. You will also realize why Product Report Card needs so much of your personal information.

Product Report Card- Legit or Scam?

Product Report Card is not a scam. However, some users have complained of getting disqualified after or during the process of the survey. This can be really frustrating as your effort and time are wasted.

However, please note that this is only the case for people with weak profiles. For instance, major corporations do not value the feedback provided by immigrants staying in the United States or Canada. They want people who have are long-term residents of North America.

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