How Multipoint Video Conferencing Can Work for Your Business

video conferencing

video conferencingIf your online meetings don?t seem to work, you might be doing something wrong. Not a case of human error? Then it might have something to do with the type of video solution you chose.

Multipoint Over Point-To-Point

Point-to-point refers to connections between two locations, which could mean your conference room in New York to another one in Seattle. Multipoint, on the other hand, allows for many locations to be included in a call. This is where a bridging service comes in, making it possible for different terminals to come on board a single call. As a result, more people can talk and come together in a single instance, which is a huge departure from point-to-point communications that?s sorely and severely limited to only two locations at one time. So if you?re going to choose an online meeting solution, it makes sense to choose multipoint over point-to-point functionality. Here are a few more reasons why:

Fast Information Dissemination

Betanews says it?s made rapid outreach possible. That?s true. One of the best advantages of video or web conferencing is the fact that both allow a lot of people to come together in a single call. That?s only possible through multipoint bridges. Want a town hall with all onsite and offsite teams? It?s simple enough to fit everyone into one call. Looking for a way to discuss the latest revisions to the campaign? The technology allows communication to be rapid and clear. It?s an excellent way for people to discuss all sorts of things about work. It also lets them make quick decisions and get things done.

Better Collaboration

By making group calls possible, the technology also boosts collaboration for onsite and offsite teams even further. It?s probably the number one reason why a lot of startups rely on these solutions. In the past, hiring and managing remote teams was difficult and hardly cost-effective. Companies had to spend a lot of money just to send key members of their management teams to offsite branches, leading to costs that could run to hundreds of thousands a year. But with technology making online meetings possible, companies now have a better way to stay in touch and look after their remote staff.

Enhanced Training

It?s also changed training sessions over the last few years. Companies no longer had to spend an arm and a leg just to bring in training experts to their locations all across the country or beyond. Webinars and online trainings took the place of intensive weeklong trainings. With the help of industry leaders like Blue Jeans, video bridging for IT companies made for better and more cost-effective training solutions.

Deeper Engagement

The best advantage seems to be the effect it has on teams. Face to face contact brings something more intimate to an exchange. You hold greater trust for someone you know by sight than for a name you see on your email mailing list. By encouraging teams to use the technology?from daily hellos to brainstorming sessions?it?s allowed remote teams to experience a deeper bond and improve their engagement with the company. One of the challenges of managing offsite staff is that there are less opportunities to build camaraderie and teamwork, qualities essential to building a strong team. Video meetings provide companies with a way to address and deal with those issues, says B2B Marketing. Offsite and onsite teams don?t just see each other, but they also have plenty of opportunities for friendly interaction, allowing a foundation of trust and positivity to develop.

Employee Retention

Why does this matter? When employees are engaged and feel valued, they?re more likely to stay. When you think about how much companies lose whenever employees jump ship, putting in measures that boost employee satisfaction and happiness at work seems wise and imminently practical. This also leads to another positive result: valued employees are more likely to perform better. Their productivity levels are high because they?re sincerely motivated to give their best, are driven to succeed, and want to work hard. That?s the kind of team that changes a company. That?s the kind of employee that improves a company?s bottom line. It doesn?t even take much more than having regular team meetings or huddle sessions online to make this happen. It doesn?t take much more than reaching out and having casual, every day conversations.

If you?re looking for a way to improve the way you do your business, or if you?re on the lookout for something to enhance teamwork and positivity at the office, it might be worth it to give multipoint video conferencing tools a shot. It may also make your people perform better, encouraging them to invest more of their time, effort, and heart into the work, and, as a result, put more of themselves into the business. Who knows what could change if you changed the way your business worked, if you changed the way you connect to people? It might just turn out to be the human touch your business needs.


Photo courtesy of: Unsplash

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One comment

  1. Great article. Multi-point video conferencing helps businesses in reduced travel costs, increased productivity, no time constraints, flexibility etc. It promotes communication between the various groups of employees as well. Various tools like R-HUB HD video conferencing, Polycom, Webex etc. offer multi point video conferencing technology which is widely used by businesses globally.

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