5 Simple Ways to Make Extra Money Anyone Can Do

Make Extra Money

3885114485_e886e998d1_zDon?t make the mistake of thinking that only people with specialized skills or advanced degrees can make extra money ? when in fact, anyone with motivation and the right work ethic can find ways to put some extra cash in their pockets.

While you might not get rich while employing any of the strategies below, they can make it a little easier to pay your bills each month. Dedicate yourself to finding a couple of successful methods of making extra money and your bank account will soon start to look a whole lot healthier.

Look Within

Your efforts to make extra money should always start with the job you already have. It is usually easier to make extra money from a job you currently hold than it is to find another part-time gig. Ask your boss if there are more hours available or extra projects that you can work on in order to increase your salary. Also, don?t be afraid to simply ask for a raise for the work you are already doing. If you do a good job and have a solid history with the company, a raise may be a very reasonable expectation.

Help Your Neighbors

One of the oldest methods of making extra money is still relevant today, and it doesn?t have to be reserved for teenagers. Ask your neighbors if they need any help with outdoor chores such as mowing the lawn or washing cars. This is a nice way to make some extra cash, help out your neighborhood, and spend some more time outside.

Make Extra Money in Your Free Time

If you’re busy already, it might be difficult to find ways to make extra money. Don’t let that hold you back. Even if you’re busy there are ways to make extra cash through simple tasks like using a specific search engine or through your normal online shopping.?None of these options will allow you to get rich quick, but they will allow you to earn a little extra spending money.

Check out some of the options below, some starting out with an additional $5 sign-up bonus:

Share a Skill

Do you have a talent in a specific field that others would like to learn? Consider giving lessons on the side to make extra money. For example, if you know how to play guitar, you could offer guitar lessons out of your home for a small fee. This would allow you to teach something you love while making money at the same time.

Advertise on Your Car

If you are driving around town anyway, you may as well get paid at the same time. 😉 There are services available online that connect businesses who wish to advertise with private vehicle owners willing to place the marketing on their cars. Of course, you will have to be okay with placing advertising on your vehicle, but the prospect of making easy money may make that worth your while. Browse around online to find various options and see if any of them are a good fit for you and your vehicle.


Have you tried any of these methods to make extra money? Did they work? What other ways have you earned extra money??



Photo courtesy of: Matthew Rutledge

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  1. Chris says:

    I’ve used Swagbucks extensively over the past three years. I earned more than $300 on it last year. It won’t make you rich, but it can be a nice addition to monthly income for sure.

  2. I’d totally advertise on our car, but we never drive a nice enough car. I love Swagbucks, though I haven’t had time to work it like I should.

    If you have a lot of friends who shop online, join Mr. Rebates, then refer them. You’ll get an amount equal to 20% of whatever rebates they get. I refer people through my blog and get about $150-200 a year from that. It adds up!

  3. I remember that years ago, I used to help my uncle who was my neighbor with washing his car and he paid me much. There are really lots of ways to make extra money. Now, at the age of 27 years, I am still looking within and open to help my neighbors.

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