How to Use Free Time Frugally

free time

free timeHaving too much free time is rarely a problem for anyone I know, but if you are struggling to think of things to do in your free time that don?t cost an arm and a leg then you?ve come to the right place. Breaking my day up into different chunks of time helps me ensure that I don?t get bored from one task or burned out on another.

The downside of breaking up your day is that there might be odd little chunks of time between your more major activities. Here are just a few things you can do in your free time between activities.


Be Productive

There are lots of little productive tasks that can be completed in 5 minutes or less. The good thing about doing these tasks during your short breaks between larger activities is that it will save you from having to do them later. Things like cleaning out your inbox, checking your voicemails, or getting a head start on another project, are all great uses of your little chunks of free time throughout the day.

Another way to use free time to be productive is to pick up a side hustle of some kind. Becoming a freelance writer, walking dogs, babysitting, and doing yard work are all simple ideas to start making a little extra money on the side.


Or Not

Admittedly, I?m not always productive. Sometimes a girl just needs a break after all. 🙂 During the times when I?m feeling especially tired or burned out from being productive, I like to play games online or on my phone. Games that don?t require you to hit certain achievements before you can save and quit are my favorite since I never know how much time I?ll have to play throughout the day. Casino-style games are fun and aren?t usually on-going so they are easy to play whenever you have a free minute or two especially when you?re able to find free casino slot games no download no registration.


If you have larger periods of free time in the evenings or on the weekends, perhaps you can find a club or sports team to join. Lots of places around your community may have bulletin boards with postings of different clubs and community activities taking place. In my community, our public library does a great job of organizing information about all kinds of various community clubs and activities taking place. Our Chamber of Commerce also sends out an email to a subscriber list each Monday morning with a list of activities taking place that week and some bigger events later in the month too. It?s a great resource if I?m looking for something to do during a free evening or weekend.


No matter if you decide to be productive during your free time, or not, you should always aim to use your time frugally. There?s no sense using a lot of money out of your budget to entertain yourself when there are plenty of free and frugal activities to be found.



Photo courtesy of:?Intel Free Press

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