3 Ways to Make Flying with Children as Easy as Possible

3 Ways to Make Flying with Children as Easy as Possible

3 Ways to Make Flying with Children as Easy as PossibleAir travel is a great way to save time when getting to your destination, but there are certain drawbacks that come with the experience.

For instance, you may have to pay extra to bring along all the luggage you would like to have with you, and the time spent getting through security and waiting out delays can negate some of the time saved by flying in the first place.

Another potential issue with air travel is taking your kids along for the journey. Depending on the age and personality of your kids, flying might be a stressful experience.

Fortunately, it doesn?t have to be. By preparing yourself, and your family, properly, you should be able to make your flight an uneventful, and even enjoyable, experience.

Let?s look at three ways you can make flying with your children a stress-free occasion.

1. Make Them Feel Comfortable

If this will be the first time on an airplane for your child, you want to do everything you can to make them as comfortable as possible. This will be a new, and possibly intimidating, experience, so bring them some comforts from home to make things easier.

For a small child, it could be something as simple as a stuffed animal which they can hold onto during the flight. For an older child, you might allow them to play a handheld video game or listen to their favorite music.

By bringing some normal events and items to the experience of flying, it may not seem so intimidating.

2. Avoid Having to Rush

Getting through the airport with both your kids and your luggage in tow can be challenging ? especially in a big city with a large, crowded airport. More than any other time, this is the occasion to be on time and organized.

Don?t let yourself get behind the clock and in a position where you have to rush to make your flight. Get to the airport with plenty of time to spare so you can check in at a comfortable pace.

Once you are settled in by the gate, you can give the kids some entertainment and sit back to relax for a bit before boarding the plane.

3. Be Smart About Flight Times

For small children, an especially long flight could be a challenge. When picking your destination, do your best to keep flight times modest so your children can have fun on the journey.

Unless you are traveling to visit family ? in which case you won?t be able to control the destination ? think about picking places which are reasonably close to home. Flying for a couple hours as opposed to several hours can be a big difference in the mind of a child.

If you do have to cover thousands of miles to get to your final destination, consider breaking up the trip with a couple of shorter flights, when possible.


Flying with children can be an extra challenge on top of an already stressful situation, but using these tips can help make it at least a little easier on all of you.


Have you ever flown with children? How do you make flying with children as easy as possible?


Photo courtesy of: silverstylus

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