Executive MBAs: Never Too Late to Upgrade Your Skills

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An Executive MBA (EMBA), is a Master of Business Administration program for those in corporate environments who are becoming, or who already are, executives and managers in the business they operate in. It?s a program that allows students to study an EMBA and work at the same time, enabling them to still hold down their roles with the business they work full-time for while simultaneously earning a degree.

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What makes an Executive MBA a good option for me?

EMBAs all differ in delivery and specialization, but overall, they promote the use of practical business and people management skills within a real-life working environment.

An EMBA is a great stepping stone for those who are already in consulting, but want to take their career further into the next level, but careful, it?s lonely at the top – EMBAs are notorious for being uniquely challenging and high-pressure, meaning they?re not for the faint hearted of those among us.

However, as most of us know, with the right mix of passion and persuasion nothing is impossible, and really the same rules apply to those undertaking an EMBA or those studying for something like a diploma.

Most people do work and study at the same time, and even though many of those may study full-time and work part-time rather than doing it the other way around like an EMBA or an MBA, really it?s the same difference – with the exception that one of those options involves more practical application than the other, which is no bad thing.

What is the difference between a regular MBA and the EMBA?

Those who want to have a cutting-edge on competitors have an EMBA, and those who have upped their game professionally have MBAs. But don?t get it twisted, both are immensely valuable in the world of business and will take you further in your career than the average professional with basic qualifications in the workplace.

It just depends on your ambition. It would be an idea then, to go to an institution specializing in business, for example, Hult International Business School, with a focus on business modules which will mainly involve methodologies more closely relating to the skills needed to facilitate effectiveness in the workplace.

Basically, you can leave with specialist knowledge from an institution that really knows what they?re doing if they target the area you want to specialize in – in this case of course, being business.

Again, both are categorized into full-time or part-time studies, so this is perhaps one aspect which could affect where you study. It?s worth taking the time to think about whether you want to attend work and study at the same time, or if you would prefer to study full-time. For those who want to work and study simultaneously, one of the main perks would be that not only could this be paid for by your employer, but you?d be able to apply any theory that you?ve learned in class when it comes to practical workplace environments.

Differences explained

As an example, to show how both options benefits students, let?s use a POS system as a model. You can look at an instruction booklet and read through the manual, taking in the step-by-step guide and memorizing it so you know in future what to do when you get to a POS system, and shortly after, or at the same time, you go to a POS system and start doing exactly what the booklet says.

It sticks in your mind and you naturally know what to do in future because the practical application has retained within your muscle memory.

In terms of studying full-time, you wouldn?t get the opportunity to apply the theory (reading through the booklet), in the workplace until you actually arrive in the workplace. This can be a problem as it means you?d need to be trained on the POS system after all, despite having learned how to use one, because, in other words – you never learned how to do it. You read how you could do it.

Our brains process millions of pieces of information every day on how we could do things, in various ways. There?s no real reason you would remember how to use a POS system off the top of your head without great effort involved or a practice like word association.

Who studies an EMBA?

An EMBA is a great option for those who want to get ahead in the workplace or further their existing careers in management. No matter our age, learning is a tool we can always utilize. And the reality is, there are few reasons to learn new skills more attractive than a pay rise.

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