4 Depression Era Tricks to Stretch a Small Income

4 Depression Era Tricks to Stretch a Small Income

4 Depression Era Tricks to Stretch a Small IncomeHave you ever gotten to the end of a pay period with next to nothing left of your paycheck? Like many, you might find your salary or income a little wanting. After all, the cost of living and everyday expenses isn?t necessarily cheap.

This could mean you have to stretch your paycheck thin just to accommodate the necessities. Nonetheless, no matter what you earn or the price of your expenses, there are always small adjustments you can make to help stretch your money a little further. Here are four old-time, depression era tricks to stretch a small income.

1. Skip Convenience Items

When life gets busy it?s easy to run to Starbucks or grab takeout. Unfortunately, while the price might seem inexpensive at first, those constant drive thru runs or grande lattes add up a lot quicker than you?d realize.

Instead, opt to do things at home. Plan and cook meals and brew your own coffee. Fresh groceries and supplies will save you more than you?d realize, leaving money for other things.

2. Forgo Cable

We all have our favorite shows and sources of entertainment. Of course, cable and dish subscriptions are anything but cheap.

If you?re trying to stretch your paycheck ridding your bank account of cable subscriptions can be a surefire way to save some of your income.

Sign up for more inexpensive streaming services like DirecTV Now or Sling TV, or opt for other streaming options like an [easyazon_link identifier=”B00ZV9RDKK” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”wisedollar-20″ cart=”n” popups=”y”]Amazon Fire TV Stick[/easyazon_link].

You?ll be able to watch your favorites and save.

3. Find Freebies

Just because you want to save doesn?t mean you can?t have any fun in life. That being said, you don?t have to spend a lot, or anything for that matter, to find entertainment around your town.

Search for free events like plays or concerts in the park or find games and sports you can play around your community. You can enjoy spending time with your family and friends without hurting your budget or using up the rest of your paycheck.

4. Budget & Make Cuts

A budget does more than just organize your finances. Even if you think your paycheck is stretched throughout your budget, there are always ways to make small cuts.

Re-evaluate your budget and adjust any categories that are either unnecessary or that you?re simply paying too much for. Moreover, write down extra purchases that might not be in your budget and examine whether or not they?re a necessity as well.

Sometimes, when a raise isn?t an option and you feel as though you?ve stretched your income to it?s limit, it can be difficult to know where to adjust your finances. Even so, you don?t have to make major cuts or sacrifices in order to stretch your paycheck a little extra.

Instead, review your budget and expenses and find small ways to cut back or reallocate your salary. You might be surprised how much impact the little adjustments can have on your monthly income.


Where are some depression era tricks you can use to save money? What are some inexpensive or free activities in your community?


Photo courtesy of: monicore

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