Why You May Want to Consider A Career in Accounting


AccountingThere is no denying the fact that the job climate over the past ten or so years has been anemic at best. It goes back to a number of reasons really, but the simple fact is that the job climate has not been hot. This presents a number of problems, one of which is what career option to choose from. This can be especially difficult for those entering college and trying to determine what fits them best.

One option to consider, especially if you’re good with numbers or are analytical in nature is a career in accounting. I know that being an accountant may not be a dream job and may not leave much option outside of the traditional work week?but there are quite a number of routes you can take by pursuing a career as an accountant. Those are roles such as tax professionals, auditors and plain accountants to name a few. In fact, an accounting degree has been named as one of the most sought after degrees by employers over the past several years. Beyond that, below are some other reasons why a career in accounting could be a good option to consider.

Much like other careers, you will need an accounting degree to start in this industry. The good news, however, is that this degree can be earned entirely online in your free time. This means that you will not have to quit your current job to start working towards your degree, which can help you to avoid debt as you pursue your goals. Once you have your accounting degree, you can even earn an advanced degree on the subject online, giving you the chance to advance in the industry very quickly once you get started.

You Don’t Have to Be an Expert to Get A Job

When I was in the work force one of the things I continued to see was that employers, or at least the ones I was interviewing with, were wanting people with experience. In fact, many told me they were looking for subject matter experts. I get that on many levels, but it can hold people back in some career fields.

That is not necessarily the case with being an accountant. Yes, you won’t be getting a six figure job managing the accounting department right out of school, but there are generally a good number of options available that will help get you the experience needed in order to move up within your career. It might mean you start out as an Accounting Assistant in some cases, but with some time you can gain the experience needed to move up.

Most Companies Need Accountants

Part of what makes a career in accounting a good option is many, if not most companies, have need for those with experience or knowledge. ?The question then becomes where do you go to find a job as an accountant – to which I’d direct most to look online for job boards that specialize in financial services careers. Most companies today post their job openings on job boards enabling you to search by location or career focus. On sites like?JobTonic.com?you can search via region or focus as well as upload a resume. Just make sure to highlight your skills and experience in the resume and, of course, make sure it’s free from error. Going back to the need aspect, that can only create more demand for those with experience especially if you have a specialization in one area.

Professional tasks and duties

The main task of an accountant, generally speaking, is to look over the financial reports, public records and ensure that all the taxes and paid on time. Of course, these duties may vary from one firm to another because each of them has its own specific circumstances as well as areas that handle more specialized functions. The good thing is that with a little experience you can determine what specific focus you want to take in your career which will in turn allow you to make even more money.



Photo courtesy of: 401kcalculator

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