Brand Survival and Recognition Are the Pull-Factors for Investors


When you hear the word branding, the first thing that comes to mind is a logo. However, there are other components essential to completing a successful branding campaign, especially those tailored to brand visibility and acknowledgment. A business needs branding to gain recognition among its often vast competitors.

Just as your first impression at a job interview is determined by both your attire and your presentation, so your business needs to attract both customers and potential investors through all the elements of strong branding. Think Twitter and its bird, Youtube with its play button or even Apple (well that one’s obvious). A strong sense of identity secures investors, who are effectively the bloodline of any new or growing business.

Representing your intentions

Marketing strategies say a lot about your intentions. For instance, the sports brand Nike has been very effective at creating a story with its advertising strategies and it’s neatly summarized by its logo. Beyond the easily recognizable swoosh, the company has been able to solidify its presence within their athletic demographic.


Source: Unsplash

In this increasingly digital world, brand representation takes on further dimensions: in addition to distinctive logos, domains have also become vital. One area where both elements are particularly pertinent is the casino industry, from which we can take some apt examples: review sites have become an essential part of this industry, meaning review sites need to nab a domain that reflects what they do.

From the name BonusSource, for example, we can gather there are likely to be bonuses (indeed, it often offers free spins and first-deposits bonuses), while it’s ‘.ca’ top-level domain shows us Canada is its primary stomping ground: all that just from a URL. As a consequence, though, a casino’s need to stand out from those alongside which they are reviewed increases – that’s where having a distinctive logo comes back into the picture: Mr Green and the guy with the umbrella do an excellent job of just that.

Identity, unity, and spread

Successful branding can also be seen in the logos of companies like Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. Although operating within the same field, their logos draw on the niche of the market they cover. Potential users can instantly hazard a guess what they do: the brands have achieved instant recognition. Basically, you need to solidify what your business is about and what type of image would sum it all up.

And it is through these social media that you can gain visibility for yourself. Publishing press releases, event sponsorship or even organizing charity-focused events are just a few tactics used to gain traction in the market and choosing the best social media (if not all of them!) on which to spread the news is vital.


Source: Unsplash

Knowing when to act

Pepsi has managed to hold its title as Coca Cola?s rival and stands strong against the winds of both old and new competition, but that did not happen by magic. After noticing a significant dip in their sales a few years back, they decided to implement several strategies that ultimately balanced their brand loyalty and sales equation.

There is no one fits all when it comes to successful branding, but creating preventative strategies is one way of keeping abreast of the competition. Showing foresight in brand continuation and recovery is a pull factor for any potential investor.

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