An Average Day in the Shoes of a Banker


BankerIt is all very well to say that you?re pursuing a career in banking, finance or accounting. However, when you graduate or are at the brink of leaving?business school, things can get a little challenging. It can help to have a good understanding of the amount of work you will be actually doing and the nature of your role in the organization. Graduates often wonder whether they will be working hard day and night for an impressive paycheck or simply reading reports for most of the day.

Take a look at several happenings in a routine banker?s day to better comprehend what you will be doing when you step into the workforce.

Starting the Day As A Banker

Even before you head to work there are likely going to be emails to check, research to do and reports to hand in at times. Mornings start bright and early when you correspond via email to the senior managers whom you report to. Soon after you might need to head off to the office where you will have time to grab coffee or breakfast after which you will engage with other analysts. Possible discussions could include work complications and how to deal with them as you manage team members.

Keeping a check on production and updating the Directors and Vice Presidents could also potentially be a role you have. There will be tasks that include following the running of a business model and adding or altering impending acquisition goals.

Mid Morning

Conference calls that involve live deals in progress with senior bankers from the industry may be next. You’ll likely need to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to lead discussions over those deals. Projecting particular items to the clients and deciding on deadlines along with discussing potential issues bound to arise are all routine workings.


After a quick break for lunch, you will have to update presentations and reports that are due. Your associate can check them before distributing them to managers. Since your first year out of business school will have been as an associate, you will be accustomed to their way of thinking and foresee any issues they might have. However after a few years you will have the experience necessary to start looking at becoming an investment analyst?or some other similar role.

Early Evening

At every point in an average work day you will have to keep your seniors in the loop and co-ordinate with your co-workers and juniors about the progress on multiple clients and profiles. If everything looks like it is running smoothly, you’ll want to make sure to watch it through to completion.

The truth is that there will be days when work-life will be bustling with tasks to complete, presentations to make and reports to read. However, there are sure to be other days when there will be time for three hour lunch breaks or working on other tasks you find more enjoyable.? Life on the scene of banking in Singapore?is sure to be exciting at every point as you strive to make it big in the thoroughly rewarding field.



Photo courtesy of: Omar Barcena

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