Anyoption Review – Anyone Can Trade

dollar-exchange-rate-544949_640Anyoption is said to be the grandfather of binary trading. This is where it all started. They were pioneers to see the opportunity floating in the Binary trading market. The lead team of anyoption consist of people who have humungous experience in risk management and binary trading options. They are the ones who made the financial investing?easier, simpler and convenient in many ways.

If you are looking for Binary Trading options or planning to make Forex trades, then using anyoption website is highly recommended. Let us go through the benefits and features in order to get more insight on the website.

Believe in Classic Trade

Anyoption will not lure you with fancy benefits or exciting new kind of trades. They would rather spend their energy in building a resourceful system that would help the traders to make the most. No wonder, people stick to the classic kind of trading because they know they would trade successfully and safely.

Located in UK, the anyoptionUK website helps you to trade simplistically. Here the traders are able to view four to five assets at a time with all the financial background scrolling nicely below. It is unique and have host of free tools. ?Since it?s regulated by the European government, it gives you? a reassurance that your money is in safe hands.? It is one of the safest financial bet in the world of online trading both for beginners and experience traders.


One Touch ? With this feature, assuming the price of the asset that would touch at least once in a month within the selected time period, traders can set up a target level accordingly. It helps in getting more financial returns compared to normal binary options.

Roll Forward ? This feature helps the traders to know the out of money position before the expiration. According to the market trends if they are confident that the price of the asset will reverse back in their direction, they can opt for changing the expiration.

Option + – This is the best feature with anyoption. Here traders have the luxury to sell their options before the time lapse. They can use this facility by choosing ?GET QUOTE? on the screen, you can choose to either close the binary option or you can wait until expiration.

Take Profit ? This feature would trigger alerts to the traders the moment the active records are in the money status. Again the trader can choose to close their positions before time once profits received or can choose to wait until expires.

Profit Line ? This would give the traders a view the position of their open options in the market on an hourly basis.


  • Simple and user friendly
  • Option + for Risk Management
  • 15% Guaranteed Return on losing trades
  • Initial deposit as low as USD 200 or EUR 200
  • Live feeds from Reuters
  • High class Mobile Trading App

Since they were the pioneers in introducing binary options on a social trading platform, they are currently are the most dependable and provide highly trusted service.


Have you done any binary options trading?


Photo courtesy of: geralt

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