Is Everything Cheaper on Amazon?


AmazonThe following is a contribution from Kalen at Money Mini Blog. If you’d like to contribute to Wise Dollar, please contact us.


Who doesn’t shop on Amazon? Jungle people? Cavemen?

Actually, if cavemen can shop for insurance, I’m pretty sure they are on Amazon too.

So yeah, it’s basically everyone.

But are you getting the full advantage of Amazon? Or are you still buying things elsewhere that you should be buying from Amazon?

It’s not your fault! You didn’t know. And that’s why I’m here.

Let me open your eyes to the true power of buying on Amazon. (Yeah, that probably sounds a little cult-like, sorry about that)

Check out these three areas where you will want to start buying from Amazon…

1. Baby Products


It’s cheaper on Amazon. Check out Amazon Warehouse Deals, especially for the things that aren’t breakable. A damaged box can save you a ton on diapers. And I’m pretty sure the diapers will be just fine. A baby can do more damage to a diaper than dropping a box will. You may also want to look into Amazon Mom?for some baby savings.

2. Home Products


My wife and I never actually pay for this stuff, because we use the Amazon Chase Visa card. Once we build up a few hundred dollars in rewards, we buy all of the items we need around the house. We shop around and rarely have I found a better price on any of this stuff.? Amazon and my wife are the reason our house is so well-decorated and we get to save money?in the process.

3. Heavy Products

Pet Food
Cleaning Supplies
Air Conditioners
Musical Instruments
Bulk Products

You can always sign-up for?Amazon Prime?to get the free 2nd day shipping or you can look for Amazon products that offer free shipping over $35. Amazon quickly realized that they would be better off to let 3rd party sellers deal with the heavy stuff to avoid eating the shipping costs, but they still sell several heavy items. It never hurts to check!

What Isn’t Cheaper on Amazon

As low as Amazon prices are, there are some things that you’re better off buying somewhere else.

So which items should you be cautious of?

[easyazon_link cloaking=”default” keywords=”Electronics” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”yes” tag=”wisedollar-20″]Electronics[/easyazon_link].?One study showed that you can get a better deal at an electronic website, rather than Amazon, about 58% of the time.? It’s better to stick with the electronic pros when it comes to computers, televisions, stereo equipment and other electronics.

Photography Supplies.?When comparing prices on photography supplies, including the cameras themselves, it’s always worth your time to shop around. These are usually big ticket items already and Amazon usually gets beat out by specialty camera stores.

Heavy Products.?I know you already saw this on the list of things you should buy from Amazon, but you should approach this with caution. Like I mentioned earlier, Amazon is getting away from shipping heavy products. Sometimes it’s best to look to locals when buying big stuff.


Final Words


Amazon isn’t always cheaper, but it should always be used for comparison.

It just takes a few minutes to browse products that you’re planning to buy.

It’s even quicker if you use an awesome tool like PriceJump ?to compare prices for you.

Anytime you buy anything, ask yourself if it can be bought on Amazon.

Most of the time, the answer is yes and much of the time, Amazon is the cheapest.


How much of your shopping do you do on Amazon? Are there items you won’t buy on Amazon? What do you use to compare pricing on Amazon?


About Kalen:?Kalen Bruce is the founder and main writer at MoneyMiniBlog, where he writes short, sweet and simple articles about money and productivity.? Kalen lives a debt-free life with his wife and four children.? Get his free ebook here: Financial Freedom on a Full Schedule.



Photo courtesy of: Alan Levine

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  1. I often price compare from Amazon before deciding to buy something in-store (or from another website). I love Amazon! It’s easy to find what you are looking for (most of the time) and they are usually cheaper too. Plus free shipping is always awesome!

  2. I always buy chocolates and clothes on Amazon. Aside from it is cheaper, it is also easier to return if it has defects or something, which is really good about Amazon. Just recently, I bought a speaker that costs $14.99. I find it a really good find. I am also loyal to Amazon.

    • Very true! That reminds me of Zappos (also an Amazon company). Their shoes may not be the cheapest, but you can always return them, so you don’t have to worry about getting the wrong size and being stuck. That security is nice!

  3. Kathy says:

    We purchase something from Amazon just about every month. Not just for books anymore! I even bought shelf-stable milk for my emergency preparedness stockpile.

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