4 Things to Do After Losing Your Job

losing your job

5498329705_3a3059b478_zThere is nothing fun about losing your job.

Most people will deal with a number of emotions after being either fired or laid off. Not to mention the financial concerns that will arise after losing your job.

If you are going to get through this challenging part of your life successfully, you need to have a clear plan in place as soon as you find yourself without employment. The outlook doesn?t need to be bleak, but you certainly do need to take action.

Here are four tips to follow if you find yourself suddenly without a job and you need a plan to get back on your feet.

File for Unemployment Benefits

This is likely the first thing you should do. Depending on the details of your termination, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. File right away to get the process started.

When filing your unemployment claim, be completely truthful right from the start to give yourself the best possible chance of receiving benefits. If you falsify your claim in any way, you will run a serious risk of being denied. While unemployment benefits certainly aren?t going to cover your entire lost income, and they won?t last forever, they are a big help in trying to continue paying the bills.

Polish Up Your Resume

You are going to need a great looking resume to compete in the job market. So you need to get to work on making your resume look as impressive as possible. It should be up to date with all of your experiences and work history. Your resume should also have plenty of references. It is often the references that make or break your chances to get a job, so be sure to think of as many people as possible who will support you.


Do you know people that work in fields where you may be able to find a job? If so, start by contacting all of them to make them aware of your situation and ask if they will ?keep an eye out for you?.

You don?t even have to explicitly ask them for a job at this point. Just tell them that you are looking, and you would appreciate it if they let you know when something comes available. After a period of time has passed, follow up with these people just to remind them of your situation.

Apply Every Day

Now that you are out of work, looking for a new job has become your full time job. Each day you should be sending out as many applications as possible. You should also use all of the channels that you’ve found. While you aren?t going to hear back from most of the applications that you send, it only takes one to make all the difference in the world.

Once you do secure an interview or two, prepare carefully and put your best foot forward when you have a chance to win the job.


Have you ever lost your job? What were the steps you took after losing your job?


Photo courtesy of: World Relief Spokane

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  1. Josh says:

    I think something to add here would be to interview for other jobs while you already have one. This does a few things: keeps your resume up to date, hones your interview skills, and gives you a good idea of your worth and opportunities.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kelly says:

    No. I haven’t experienced this, but I’d definitely be prepared for this and would save more to cover those expenses during the period I have no job. Of course, I’d definitely work on my CV and look for a job as soon as possible.

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