6 Meetups About Stock Market You Should Attend

stock meetup

Are you tired of running the stock trading simulation at your home? Are you ready to get your feet wet by stepping into the world of the stock market?

No matter what your age, educational background, IQ, and ethnicity is, you can learn how to trade stock and become a successful trader within a few weeks. It’s great that you are learning from books, online tutorials and simulation software. Now it’s time to meet and learn from those who do it daily. That too, without investing a penny.

Here are the 6 Meetups about Stock Market you should attend

1. NYC Investors & Traders ? Stocktwits Meetups

NYC Investors & Traders are a bunch of traders who meet every weekend and share their knowledge over some beers and laughs. The idea behind this meetup is to learn from others who have been there and done that. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just copy and learn from others until you become good enough to go on your own. This meetup is organized by stocktwits.com. stocktwits.com conducts similar events in other states too.

2. Boston – Learning to Invest over Coffee!

Learning to Invest over Coffee! is a Boston-based trading meetup organized by an Ivy league University graduate, Chris. He believes “investing is a beautiful art that when done correctly can help lead to a much happier life with less financial worries”.

3. Chicago Traders Group

chicago trader

As the name suggests, the Chicago Traders Group is based in a city known for its jazz music, pizza, and sausages. Chicago Traders Group is organized by three experienced traders who are more interested in meeting other like-minded people over brewery, dinner, and music. Whether you are a day trader, swing trader, forex trader, or a long term investor, you are welcome to this meetup group.

4. LA Black Investors Club

Don’t let your ethnicity get in the way of you becoming great a stock market investment. LA Black Investors Club is for African Americans who are desperate to learn about financial investment strategy and planning. Meetups are held at an Inglewood-based cafe “Sip & Sonder”.

5. San Francisco Finance & Trading

Want to attend a stock market meetup from the comfort of your home? San Francisco Finance & Trading is an online meetup group. They organize live webinars every week. Besides, San Francisco residents can visit live lectures and events at The Patriot House and Kirimachi Ramen, both venues located at the Embarcadero Center.

6. Tacoma Investor’s Business Daily Meetup Group

Want to learn how CAN SLIM, a growth stock investing strategy works? Tacoma Investor’s Business Daily is a meetup group meant for those who wish a methodical approach to learning and practicing stock trading. Although the concepts discussed in their meetups are highly technical, this group is open for people with less expertise in this field.


Everyone makes mistakes. Great investors including Warren Buffet, John Bogle and Jim Cramer have made mistakes in their past. Investing in stocks requires you to learn from your mistakes and not make them ever again. The above-mentioned list of stock market meetup groups will help you network, make friends and gain second hand knowledge about trading.

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