3 Side Hustles for Older Adults

3 Side Hustles for Older Adults

3 Side Hustles for Older AdultsThe term ?side hustle? has become rather popular in recent years.

What does it mean? Simply put, your side hustle is work you do away from your regular job to augment your income.

In years gone by, a side hustle would simply have been referred to as a part-time job. If you are not quite happy with the salary you are taking home from your full-time job, picking up some extra cash through a side hustle is a great idea.

Unfortunately, many of the popular side hustle options seem to be geared toward a younger audience. Many of them are tech related, and often older adults do not have the technical knowledge to make money through those methods.

So, are you out of luck if you have a few decades of life in your past? Not at all. Read on to discover three side hustle options for older adults.


As an older adult, you probably have plenty of experience behind the wheel. Assuming you own a car and have a good driving record, you can put your vehicle to use as a money-making machine. By driving for services like Uber or Lyft, you can make money ?on the side? when you have time available.

You get to set your own work hours with this kind of side hustle, so you don?t need to worry about it interfering with your regular employment. Make yourself available to drive when you have spare time and make money along the way.


Do you have a skill which you could pass on to others? Maybe you know how to play a particular instrument, or maybe you are experienced in a given sport.

Whatever the case, consider offering private lessons as a way to profit from your skill. Thanks to the power of the internet, it is easier than ever before to make money in this way. Think carefully about the personal skills you have accrued over the years and determine which of those skills would have the most value on the market.


Believe it or not, there is money waiting to be made as a dog walker. If you would like to find more time to get outside and exercise personally, you can make that happen while making money at the same time.

As long as you are good with animals, finding work as a pet sitter/walker should be relatively easy. You aren?t going to make a ton of money this way, of course, but you can add to your income while also spending quality time with friendly pets.

This list should just be considered a starting point as you search for your ideal side hustle. It really comes down to you as an individual, and what you want to do.

Since you already put up with the stress of a traditional job, you don?t want to add to that stress by taking on a side hustle you hate. Find something you enjoy doing and view the income as an added bonus.


Have you ever had a side hustle? What did you do to earn extra money?


Photo courtesy of: tpsdave

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One comment

  1. This is great! Most of these side-hustle type posts focus on millennials but that isn’t the only age-group (by far!) that benefits from side hustle income.

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