10 Perfect Side Hustles for College Students

10 Perfect Side Hustles for College Students

10 Perfect Side Hustles for College StudentsThe cost of a college education is not cheap. Students who make it all the way to graduation may end up owing thousands in student loan debt, making it hard to make ends meet once they get out into the real world.

To avoid debt, or just earn some extra cash, many students look for jobs. However, college students face unique challenges when it comes to making money.

Classes and practice schedules can make holding down a regular job all but impossible. Traveling back to their hometown on the occasional weekend or holiday may make it difficult to get hired as well.

If any of this hits home because you are facing the same problems, there are some solutions. Below are 10 perfect side hustles for college students that can help.

1. Babysitting

Babysitting is not just for the young teenager. Many parents are looking for sitters who have more experience, especially if their kids are energetic or have special needs.

Being good with kids and having experience could get you hired to care for children in your off school hours. You might even be able to get some of your homework done at the same time and still fit everything into your hectic schedule.

2. Tutoring

When you have a lot of knowledge in some subjects, such as math, you may be able to use that to your advantage. Hire yourself out as a tutor to others who need help and make some money to pay your bills at the same time.

Usually if you are good at what you do you can set your own hours with this side hustle. Additionally, the more success your students have the more you can get paid for this service.

3. Online Surveys

This side hustle doesn?t require a lot of skills and can definitely be done when you have a hectic schedule. Some survey sites pay only a few dollars for reviews on their products and other pay significantly more.

Some good ones to get started with are?Pro Opinion?and Opinion Outpost. You can also use a site like Swagbucks to take surveys, watch videos and more.

Obviously you will need a computer for this side hustle, but as a college student you likely already have one so why not put it to work for you?

4. Use Your Voice

Did you know you could hire out your voice? There are people and businesses that will pay you to do their podcasts and other voice over work from your own home or apartment.

5. Sell Photos

Perhaps you love to take pictures. You can sell your photos online for extra cash and fit it into your schedule whenever it works for you.

The amount of money you make for selling photos will vary, but you could earn as much as half the selling price.

6. Dog Walking

If you consider animals to be some of your best friends, maybe you should try making money becoming a dog walker. This side hustle is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get your furry fix, and still get all of your studying done.

7. Tailoring

Experience with a needle and thread or sewing machine can benefit you as a side hustle when you are in college. Advertise a few times, do a good job mending or tailoring and you will be making money in a stitch.

8. Baking

Lots of busy people need baking or cooking done and have no time to do it. If you love to cook and are good at it, hire yourself out to others for this service.

You may be able to do the cooking in between classes and in the evenings to make the money you need. Let others sample your work to help you get started.

9. Cleaning

Although this is not a glamorous side hustle it is one that many people have the need for. If you have experience and are good at cleaning this side hustle is a great one you can do on your own schedule.

10. Car Detailing

Many people don?t take the time to clean their cars inside and out even though the need is there. You may not need a lot of equipment to do this side hustle either, but a little elbow grease may be required.

Even though crazy schedules can make working difficult for college students, there are ways it can be done. Try out one of these 10 perfect side hustles for college students to help you keep debt down and earn extra cash.


What other side hustles might be perfect for college students?


Photo courtesy of: sasint

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